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Live Studio Yoga Tomorrow!!

In support of our local community, Edge will be offering live yoga classes. Each class will observe six feet of social elbow room (unless you are in a bubble together) and limit to small groups only. There is a place between where we are and we need to be, and we hope to help fill that gap.

Please wear a mat at any time when you are not on your mask to ensure the comfort of all. At this time, I will only be running one class per day, until we know more.

The decision to run this class came after watching THIS video from Mark Walsh. I invite you to give it a watch, if you feel like you could benefit from understanding the social undertones during these times.

It is my intention to offer weekly yoga classes on Tuesday and Thurdsay 1-2pm, so keep an eye on registraiton events. We can not offer packages and passes at this time, and hope you understand our most sincere intention to hold space.

Please do not come to our space if you have been feeling unwell, potentially been exposed, or are not feeling 100%. Consider gifitng your space to a friend instead, or donating to your local small business. In an effort to encourage more classes, please do not inquire if deals and discounts will be offered. I aim to hold space for a small group of students for all involoved, and the class tuiiton reflects that. Registering for this event waives all liability of Power Edge Yoga Fitness, LLC and related entities from any and all liability.

I am with the hopes to offer more yoga in the future and that decision will rest on this experience. Let's band together for this season.


Michelle Rae Sobi, RYS

Owner, Edge Yoga School

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