Have you. been wanting to try out Yoga Teacher Training and see what it is all about? Join us for the month of November for YTT and we will show you around. See how yogis live in presence and joy! Simply pay $99 for your November subscription, and should you choose to continue on, pay your monthly tuition of $99 for four months. We will provide everything you need less a couple of books you can order online once you decide the program is right for you (and we hope that you do!)
We offer training six days a week, and you can drop in whenever it is right for you! Here is our schedule: Mondays 6-8pm Tuesdays 12-pm Wednesdays 6-8pm Thursdays 12-2pm
Fridays...we rest or host special events at our Co-Op at Edge Saturdays 12-2pm Sundays 12-2pm
Drop into the sessions that work for you! No rush to finish training, you have twelve full months to do so. Upon completion, you may register with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher of 200-hours, RYT 200. If you would like to continue your studies and earn your RYT 500 with our 300-hour training, you invite you to join in!
Michelle Rae Sobi studied at the center for Yoga and Ayurveda. She continued with the advanced training in Wheaton, IL. Her passion is teaching from the subtle and physical bodies, and earned her Principles of Anatomy Certificate under Leslie Kaminoff. She holds the E-RYT 500 distinction with Yoga Alliance, the highest distinction a yogi can hold. She remains a student of yoga and life. About Edge Co-Op…
Edge Yoga School is accredited by The American Council on Exercise, Yoga Alliance, Association for Coaching, and The International Association of Yoga. Our co-op, Power Edge, LLC opens our doors to local instructors to share their craft in our space.
About you...
Let's spend some time working closely together to explore more about YOU! What are your hopes and dreams? How can we help you get there on a journey of self-d
Michelle Rae Sobi, RYS
Owner, Edge Yoga School
Subscribe to YTT now for only $99 and begin the journey of a lifetime. No commitments, no notices required to cancel, just be you and be present! SUBSCRIBE