Check out Alum, Sammi at one of our favorite venues, Pinot's Palette in Downtown Naperville! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE while there!
Are you ready to begin an exciting career as a yoga teacher? Let us guide you on your journey. Edge has been training for over a decade and is here to help you refine your asana and yogic living. There is no end to where you can share your love of yoga, so connect with us to find out about gigs around town that sound fun to you!
Ready to embark on yoga teacher training? We are running our 200-hour and 300-hour trainings at Edge now! Get the personalized attention you seek in our program. Michelle Rae Sobi is on Zoom six days a week for you to pop in and connect for guidance.

Our online portal houses over 300 hours of recorded Zooms, if flexibility of schedule is what you seek. Most students earn about half their hours with the resources online, and the rest attending live sessions. Here is our schedule, so get your calendars out and see which sessions are right for you!
Monday 6-8pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Thursday 12-2pm
Saturday 12-2pm
Sunday 12-2pm
Our training is broken up into three segments to ensure you have all the tools you need to teach a safe and effective yoga class: LECTURE: Tune in to our podcasts on the theory of yoga; LAB: Grab your notebook and put pen to paper to create a class or workshop based on the LECTURE; PRACTICUM: It's your turn to teach! Check out the video below from Edge Alum, Jess about how to approach asana. In our 200-hour yoga teacher training, we teach you how to teach a yoga class, while in our 300-hour yoga teacher training we teach you how to lead workshops, retreats, and trainings.

Your mentor, Michelle Rae Sobi will be by your side every step of the way. Join our community and have a tribe to call your own. We are always up to fun projects and ventures! You can count on continued support after graduation with Edge Yoga School! Head over to our Facebook page to see so many of our Alum sharing their craft with you. We understand the need for continued support, especially in the digital world. We are here to hold space for you! Did you know our sister company WebStrutz offers photoshoots, videography, co-op space to record virtual classes in, and more? We are a full-service entity here to provide you with all of the tools you'll need to grow your business and your brand! Head over to our SHOP to choose which program is right for you! Namaste, Michelle Rae Sobi, RYS Owner, Edge Yoga School & Arts E-RYT 500, ACE, Mentor
Want to learn more from Jess? Check out her Power Yoga Masterclass on our online portal!! Jess and Dan first came to Edge to receive their CECs for Yoga Alliance. Over time, they came to host workshops for us at Edge, and then guest taught our Yoga Teacher Training. When everything went virtual, we were able to have them assist in YTT online for the March-December cohort. I'm excited to announce they will be running an Edge location training in Southern Illinois starting in January. If you know any peeps out that way, their training is in Freeburg, IL. What is Your Story? Begin a journey with a company that will grow with you and challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and into your hopes and dreams! Have a question? Send us a CHAT and we are happy to guide you!