Do you have an interest that sets your soul on fire? Do you want to make that a centerpiece of your life? Have you been meaning to give it some of your time and attention, but just have yet to do so? Create space for your passions! Whatever they may be. I’m not promising you’ll earn over $100k. What I am promising is if you have a project that needs a “step two” and are ready to do the work, this is for you!
I’d like to gather a circle of mindfulness business owners or entrepreneurs to connect monthly to work on their hopes and dreams.
Women. (sorry guys!)
Business owners.
People with hopes and dreams.
Peeps willing to do the work and put in the time.
Grassroots project creators only.
Mindful Masterminds Group of Doers
August 5, 2019
Edge Yoga School
525 87th Street
South Naperville
To hold space for your projects and passions! Creating time for your hopes and dreams is paramount to manifesting your goals. The Universe will not do your work for you. Each month we will focus on a call to action.
Each quarter we will focus on a phase of turning your dreams into manifestations. We will have a suggested book to read in preparation for shared mindfulness, but will not discuss the book.
What it’s not:
Coaching. People who are already working with a coach and are ready to work with one (I am not a coach, but know some great ones if you are ready.)
Networking. While we will encourage support of one another, there are plenty of networking groups. (I’m happy to recommend some.)
MLM support. Not because I don’t support them, but because they already have structure.
Politics or Religion. ‘nuff said.
Free. I will commit my time and space to you for a small fee. Sessions are $12 payable online only.
Naysayers. If you have a reason why something won’t work, this is not the group for you.
Hosted by: Dr. Leona Di Amore, Leona’s Healing Place Michelle Rae Sobi, Edge Yoga School Owners, Dreamers, Doers.