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Open House: Romeoville

🍒 Join us today for an OPEN HOUSE 2-4pm while we frolic around and play with pranayama and sound games.

🍒 Grab your favorite yoga asana photo while there and celebrate with us!!

🍒 Ready to become a yoga teacher? Green Men Yoga is hosting Edge Yoga School two Sundays monthly 2-4pm along with weekly Wednesdays 2-4pm with Lead Trainer Michelle Rae Sobi, E-RYT 500, RPYT, RCYT.

🍒 Jump in this year to get:

👉Fifty In-person LAB hours at any of our locations: Romeoville, Naperville, Aurora

👉Twenty online hours with Leslie Kaminoff's Yoga Anatomy highly digestible, online course with supported conference calls with Michelle Rae Sobi!

👉Twenty yoga classes with Billy DelFiacco

👉Ten hours reading your favorite yoga-related book...mine is Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adele.

👉Twenty hours practice teaching to ensure you know your stuff prior to graduation.

👉Twenty hours via conference call to discuss the eight limbs of yoga!

👉Forty hours via podcasts to absorb the lectures at your own pace.

👉Ten hours attending the library for peer-led workbook labs.

👉Ten hours attending special events on our field trips!

🍒 Tuition $1899 and use CODE: BILLYBOGO to get one specialty course for FREE! Think Yin Yoga, Sound Meditation, Chair Yoga, something else?

🍒 Now is the time to jump into your new tribe. We won't teach you very much Sanskrit or arm balances, but we will teach you how to live yoga!

🍒 Join your first YTT Lab today and let's have some fun with snacks!


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