It is time to come to yoga.
All are welcome to attend yoga with us. We offer asana practice for all students, from the first time practitioner to the most seasoned yogi.
Here is where to find us, and when... Weekly Yoga with Michelle at Fifth Avenue Wednesdays 6-7pm
Find all of our offerings on Meetup!
Naperville and Surround Areas
Salt Cave in Naperville, Sound Bowl Meditation
1324 E. Ogden Avenue, Naperville IL 60563
Edge: Downtown Naperville, Meditation Session with Michelle
525 S. Washington Street, Naperville IL 60540
#napervilleyoga #michelleraesobi #edgeyogaschool #mentorship #meditationnaperville #saltcavenaperville #soundbathmeditationnaperville #edgementorshipcenter