Join us for a day of manifestation! We will chat about the Yamas to prepare for your vision board workshop and then chat again after about what came up for you in our Gaze Within chat. Take some time to commune with nature and join us!
Vision Retreat Day: Schedule
July 28th, 10-8pm
10-10:30am Opening Ceremony
10:30-11:30am Easy Yoga with Katie
11:30-1pm Lunch & Community Chat
1-3pm Nature Meditation Walk
3-5pm Vision Board Workshop
5-7pm Dinner & Gaze Within Chat
7-8pm Fireside Chat & Meditation
Things to know...
Tuition: $99 Day Pass
Get yours here.
The Venue:
Starved Rock Lodge
2688 E. 873rd Road. Oglesby, IL 61348
Meet us in the LaSalle room.
The Schedule...
Come and go for whatever you like! No late event entries will be allowed in an effort to hold space for our attendees.
The Hotel...
Some folks will be staying overnight at the lodge. Get more info here! One of the wings are booked, but the hotel wing still has openings.
Earn Training Hours...
If you are enrolled in our yoga teacher training program, you will earn training hours for this retreat. Check out our upcoming programs here.
Print off your parking pass to ensure entry to the lot. Print it below...