Get your goodies! Specialty courses are $99 or bundle to add on to your Yoga Alliance tuition!

Join me this year as you embark on a journey inward, and come out with a new skill in your back pocket to share with the world. Enroll in any of our Yoga Alliance programs and get up to three specialty courses that you can earn hours within your Yoga Alliance program while you do! Just looking to dip your toe in right now? That works, too! Enroll in our specialty courses, many of which are on sale today from regularly $499 to only $99 Cyber Monday goodies. Our Yoga Alliance programs will not drop in tuition, as Edge has always offered them at $1899 and feel that is a fair-energy price point. You will enjoy mentorship that far exceeds this in value. Join our TRIBE and enjoy monthly webinars (recorded if you can't make it) and begin today...or in January. Check out with Affirm for easy payment plans.
Have questions? Shoot me a CHAT to begin a conversation.
Thinking about our program and want to know more? Tune in now to our Cyber Monday Podcast with Edge Alum Billy D. of Green Men Yoga to explore the breadth of his journey from Power to Yin Yoga. Discover why he loves them both.