See why Michelle Rae Sobi, RYS has mastered her craft.

Running a business is like a song. It ebbs and flows and takes a tremendous amount of work, dedication...and a little bit of magic. Black Friday is coming, and the race to the bottom is about to begin. If you are considering dropping your prices to draw in new students, think again. The Industry has changed and students can already get cheap yoga, and for that matter, cheap yoga teacher training. Simply Google "Cheap Yoga Training" and you'll see folks offering it for $99 year-round.

It is worth mentioning that Edge ran a $99 deal during the shutdown and enjoyed one-hundred straight days of YTT when everyone had the time and maybe some extra money. It was a wonderful experience. That being said, a girl's gotta eat. Am I right?
Edge specializes in mentoring Edge Alum. There are only 24 hours in a day and only so many days in a lifespan. If you are going to charge hourly for your services, be sure it is the best use of time.
I love learning. If you asked me how many certificates I have, your guess is as good as mine. What earth shattering information am I seeking? Anything interesting...but most of all, it is the actual business model that proves most valuable. Let's take Precision Nutrition. If you are looking for a Grade A business model that blends in-depth information wrapped up like a newborn baby in digestible bits...these are the folks to take a course from. Who knows, maybe you will event start to eat more slowly and stop eating at 80% full. Check them out.

Here's the take. It is my life's work to share yoga with as many humans as possible. It is my mission. Every romantic partner I've ever had has complained about feeling second to my work, and guess's true. First is my health (physical, mental, spiritual) second is my mission (sharing yoga to make the world a better place) and partner. In this way, I can show up as my best self for whoever I share my time with. Check out Lewis Howes School of Greatness if you want to know more about that. This year, my Black Friday plan will be an extension of last year's event. It will be to encourage people to STOP SHOPPING during the holiday and enjoy their friends and family. There won't be any great price drops, but there will be some cherries to share. Watch for bundles, one-on-one mentorship, and added value. I'm looking to make magic.

My intention is to build a life where I can snow bird and work remotely January through March while continuing to offer year-round training with a flexible schedule. If you have always dreamed of taking a yoga teacher training immersion...this is the year to stay plugged in with Edge. This year, I will offer on-site training for my 300hr that lasts 30 days at Hotel Indigo in Downtown Naperville. The offerings will be steeped in driving the bus from knowing the eight limbs of yoga to living them. The tuition will not be $99 though. My toolkit is vast. My availability is limited. You are invited to apply for my offerings. All are welcome to Edge and I've build a team to support your journey. Come for the offerings, share the love.

#blackfriday2023 #edgeyogaschool #michelleraesobi #lewishowes #schoolofgreatness #yogaconsultant #hotelindigo #napervilleteachertraining #romeovilleteachertraining #lesliekaminoff #yogaanatomy #aurorateachertraining #soundbathmeditation #napervillesaltcave #mentorship #consulting #yogasutras #patanjali